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Greetings from Tony Wooten, President of Goldsboro School Class of 1981,


Thank you to all class members, old friends, as well as new friends, for visiting our class webpage. The Mighty Class of 1981 hails from the hallways of Goldsboro High School located in Goldsboro, North Carolina and in the heart of Wayne County. We are a class that continues the unity we found together many years ago and through our never wavering spirit, we continue to unify and stand tall today.


We are a class that will forever assume a leadership role in supporting its class members, the local Goldsboro community as well as the students, and aspiring leaders who are transcending Goldsboro High School today.

We encourage you to join us as we lead and partake in community based initiatives that contributes to the betterment of our beloved hometown of Goldsboro. Our webpage should be utilized as a source information, interest, engagement and excitement to understanding how one class can make a difference in the young lives that we seek to improve as we give back to the foundation from which we, the Goldsboro High Class of 1981, were launched.


Please come join Us! …… The Road to Success is Always under Construction

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